Hear from some of Nutrition1st's very own!
Bob and Elaine
Ryan Schultz
Nutrition tip from Ryan:
The only tip I can give for nutrition is, remember that if you have a bad meal or even a day, the next meal or next day is another opportunity to get back on track.
What were your thoughts on nutrition before and after training with Felicia?
I got into the program to help me get my body fat percentage down. It’s a long road ahead of me and will take some time. With that being said, I have felt more energy and have been able to recover faster than I ever imagined. I have hit several PR’s, not only in strength but in my running and completing WODs
How do you feel about the program?
The nutrition program I feel is a necessity for me. I had tried to “diet” on my own and was not getting the results I wanted nor any of the affects I’m experiencing now. Just like in our CrossFit classes, having somebody there to support and keep you accountable is so important.
A word from Coach Felicia about Ryan!
Ryan has been great to work with! He is motivated and determined to reach his fitness and health goals. You can always find Ryan in the gym, working on his running or looking for someone to challenge him in his next workout. He’s competitive, consistent, and great at sticking to the goals he’s looking to achieve. All things which make someone inspiring to be around. Great job Ryan! I’m so proud of the progress you’ve made! Keep up the great work!


Jamie Fridirici
Nutrition tip from Jamie:
Be consistent!
What were your thoughts on nutrition before and after training with Brant?
I felt like a healthy eater. I didn't eat out much and took my lunch to work, so I couldn't figure out why I had gained weight. Now I’ve had to learn to accept compliments about my arms and my performance at the box!
How do you feel about the program?
Honestly a little confused about how making a few small changes in my macronutrients and habits in my daily life could make such a difference in less than 6 months.
A word from Coach Brant about Jamie!
Jamie is a lady of few words, so I thought I would write about how great she has done from a coach's perspective. From the start of the program, she quickly and consistently integrated a few behavior changes into her life and within a couple months, people started to notice her body composition changing! She doesn't give herself enough credit so I will do it for her. She dedicated herself in the kitchen with planning and prepping, she has been consistent day after day with executing her planned meals, and she has been working hard at the gym. Her numbers speak for themselves but if you want to know more about how she made such an amazing change in her life just ask her next time you see her at the gym!